Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

TMJ dysfunction, often referred to as TMD, is a disharmony between the jaw joint and how the teeth fit together . Possible causes of this disharmony include tooth loss, accidents (like whiplash), mal-positioned and/or underdeveloped cranial or jawbones, and perhaps habits like clenching or teeth grinding. Many people go through life suffering from headaches and a variety of facial and neck pains without knowing the ultimate cause, which in many cases is a TMJ disorder. After proper diagnosis, TMJ treatment is possible in Royal Oak, MI with Advanced Dentistry Center.

When teeth are missing, or out of alignment, it causes the jaw to shift position, causing the muscles to have to work harder to chew, swallow, bite, etc, and eventually will cause muscle spasms, tension, and pain.

Muscle tension and misplaced TMJ could cause the TMJ disc to be pulled out of place which will result in pain, clicking and popping in the TMJ.


Symptoms of TMD

  • Headaches, Migraines or tension headaches
  • Worn or loose teeth
  • Painful muscles in the neck and shoulders (muscle spasms)
  • Pain behind the eyes.
  • Clicking and popping of the jaw joint (TMJ)
  • Locked jaw or restriction in opening or closing the mouth
  • Earaches or a clogging feeling in the ears
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and the fingertips

Occlusal Guard/Bite Splint

An occlusal guard is designed to reposition the jaw to the correct neuromuscular position. A customized bite splint is a very effective method in relieving TMD symptoms. It provides an acrylic platform to bite against, sometimes moving the mandible to a new position that is more comfortable.