You’re on the right track if you’ve chosen dental implants as your oral health solution. You can head straight to our clinic in Bingham Farms because our dentist has top credentials in the procedure.
You can also take the longcut and look for the following in your dental implant expert.
Hands-on Experience
While all licensed dentists are legally allowed to perform dental implant procedures, they gain a reputation as “specialists” or “experts” by their experience and the number of satisfied patients who have had the honor of their treatment.
For instance, our dentist, Dr. Suhail Mati, has placed more than 3,000 implants during his extensive career. He continues to study and work on his technique. Speaking of which, ask your dentist about their technique and approach to the procedure during the consultation to mitigate surprises.
Open to Other Options
A good dentist, even one known for hands-on experience in dental implant restorations, would consider a long-term restoration option for their patient. While that’s dental implants in most cases, not all candidates qualify for the procedure.
Look for a dentist who won’t recommend implants or agree to the procedure because you’ve asked them to. Instead, look for one who:
- Puts all your options on the table.
- Honestly recommends suitable options for their budget, health, and lifestyle.
- Answers any questions that you might have about these options.
Know their Patient Care Basics
Customer care, or patient care, as we call it in dentistry, is a basic requirement for success in every business. Basic patient care means being available for your patient throughout the dental process—examination, procedure, and recovery—and being willing to answer any questions they might have during follow-up appointments or emergency visits/phone calls.
If a dentist isn’t so much as friendly or even faintly approachable before the procedure, they’re likely to do the bare minimum during the recovery stage. Choose a professional who’s the opposite, but not before ensuring their qualifications and experience.
Offer Multiple Financial Arrangements
Finding a dental insurance policy that covers dental implant procedures is difficult due to the hefty procedural costs. Some may foot at least half of the bill, conditions withstanding, and even then, it all comes down to whether or not your dentist accepts your insurance.
Look up “dentist Bingham Farms,” and you’ll most likely get Advanced Dentistry Center as the first result. Not only does our dental clinic accept your insurance, but we also go out of our way to accommodate your budget through alternate financial arrangements.
Come in for a dental examination even if you believe dental implants are the way to go. Head into oral surgery in Bingham Farms, knowing you picked the right option for your preferences, lifestyle, and budget.
Get in touch to make an appointment.