The human body undergoes many changes as it ages. It’s a natural process that involves changes in cells, systems, and organs. For instance, losing teeth is a sign of natural aging that affects our appearance and our ability to consume certain foods.
When aging occurs, our bones shrink in density and size. Some people may need a hearing aid, whereas others experience loss of vision due to changes in eye lenses. Our internal body functions also gradually start to decline.
This post highlights some of the natural aging signs.
Signs of Natural Aging
Some of the common signs of aging include:
1. Declining Vision
Most people begin to struggle to see objects as they enter their 40s. The vision changes occur due to lens stiffening. Similarly, it also becomes difficult to see in dim light because the lens becomes denser.
As the lens gets yellow with aging, the color perception also changes. People tend to find it hard to differentiate between colors. For instance, blues looks grey, but these changes can be insignificant to some people.
2. Hearing Loss
The changes in hearing are more attributable to our exposure to noise than aging. Noise pollution damages our hearing ability over time. However, some changes do occur due to aging.
Hearing loss caused by ear wax (cerumen) impaction is treatable, so it’s important to consult a doctor.
One of the signs of aging is our inability to hear high-pitched sounds. It’s called presbycusis in that understanding words becomes hard. As an effect, it may look like other people are mumbling even when they speak louder. People also struggle to hear in groups or in loud places as they age due to background noise.
3. Tooth Loss
Aging slightly recedes gums. As a result, our teeth’ lower parts are exposed to bacteria and food particles. The enamel wears away, causing mouth dryness. This makes our teeth more prone to cavities and decay, causing tooth loss.
You can get dental implants after a dental examination at Bingham Farms and Royal Oaks from Advanced Dentistry Center.
4. Changes in Skin
The skin becomes less elastic, wrinkled, thinner, and drier as we age. Exposure to sunlight also contributes to wrinkling and making our skin blotchy and rough. People who avoid sun exposure look young than their age.
5. Nervous System
The nerve cells decrease in number, but our brain makes up for the loss by making new connections between the residual cells. New cells may also form even when we’re old.
Some of the chemical substances responsible for sending messages decrease while others may increase. Our nerve cells lose their receptors which decreases blood flow to our brain. These changes cause our brain and nerves to function less optimally.
6. Blood Vessels and Heart
Blood vessels and the heart stiffen, filling the heart with more blood over time. The stiffer our arteries get, the less likely they’re to expand when blood is pumped. That’s why blood pressure also increases as we age.
Besides these changes, our body also experiences various other changes in the lungs, digestive system, kidneys, and reproductive organs.
If you’re looking for dental fillings, oral surgery, or other age-related changes in your oral care, you can schedule an appointment with our dentists at Advanced Dentistry Center. We offer world-class service to everyone in Royal Oak, Franklin, Beverly Hills, Southfield, Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills and Bingham Farms. Contact us today!