Conventional Braces

Clear Correct

Space Maintainers

Conventional Braces

Today’s orthodontic treatment is faster, comfortable and more fashionable than ever. Braces are bonded brackets, archwires and elastic bands that move crowded or spaced teeth into the proper position for appearance and function. Brackets are bonded to the front surface of each tooth and wires are attached to the brackets with elastic bands. The slight tension on the wire is gently transferred to the bracket through the elastic band. Over a period of time, teeth will shift if constant, gentle pressure is applied. At Advanced Dentistry Center, we offer orthodontics services for adolescents in Bingham Farms, Royal Oak, Franklin, Beverly Hills, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, West Bloomfield, and Southfield, MI.

Clear Correct
Dr. Mati is a Clear Correct provider, and often recommends Clear Correct as an alternative to traditional metal braces. Clear Correct works by using a series of clear, removable aligners. The benefits of using clear aligners:

  • Discreet, nearly invisible trays

  • No dietary restrictions

  • Easy to brush and floss


Clear Correct straightens your teeth with results you’ll notice sooner than you think. The course of treatment involves changing aligners every 1-2 weeks, moving your teeth into a straighter position step-by-step, until you have the beautiful smile that you’ve always wanted. Unlike conventional braces, these clear aligners can be removed while you eat and brush your teeth. A Clear Correct course of treatment can take 6 months to a year and a half. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mati today to find out if Clear Correct is right for you.


Space Maintainers

A space maintainer is a removable or fixed appliance designed to maintain an existing space. They are usually fitted to children when they have lost baby teeth early. The gap left from losing this tooth needs to be held open for the permanent tooth to erupt in its correct position.