


When we are treating an area that has been missing a tooth for some time, or if we’re taking out a bad tooth, a bone graft is needed. When a tooth is badly damaged and needs to be removed, after tooth removal, we place a bone graft in the area where the tooth root previously rested. The graft helps prevent bone loss, ensuring that there is enough width and depth of bone to prevent the appearance of premature aging and prepare the area for an implant.

Bone Graft - Implant Consultation Near Me Beverly Hills MI
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Why: it’s important to maintain the depth and width of the jaw bones to prevent shrinkage. Jaw bone shrinkage occurs after a tooth has been extracted without a bone graft and can cause:

  • Premature aging of the face (wrinkles)

  • Shifting teeth

After grafting and healing, the area with healthy bone is ready for implant placement.

How: a graft helps the body replace the missing tooth root area with strong, healthy bone. There are different types of graft materials, an autograft (self), a cadaver, and a synthetic graft. There are also different methods of placing a graft depending on the quality of bone, the surgical area, and other factors. Talk to your doctor about what type of graft is right for you. After the graft is placed, it is covered with a tissue membrane and sutured.

Click to see bone graft procedure video

Permanent Tooth Restoration Farmington Hills MI