Comprehensive Examination
A comprehensive exam allows your doctors at Advanced Dentistry Center to evaluate and make a thorough diagnosis in relation to your dental needs. A complete diagnosis involves more than just an X-ray or glance inside the mouth, but involves a comprehensive look at the mouth and body as a system. What will happen during a comprehensive exam?
Establish dental care goals
Review of patient and family medical history
Review of patient and family dental history
Digital X-rays
Pictures of the teeth, mouth, and smile
An intra- and extra-oral examination
Digital impressions
Wellness assessment
A comprehensive exam at a dental office takes place 1 x 3 years and is critical for assessing the patient’s dental needs and aspirations, this is different than a periodic routine check-up examination that takes place 2 x year.
Click here to schedule a comprehensive examination, a consultation, or a second opinion with one of our doctors. We happily serve across our suburbs, Bingham Farms, Franklin, Beverly Hills, Farmington Hills, Bloomfield Hills, Southfield, West Bloomfield, and Royal Oak, MI